About Bastone
Bastone meaning is stick and rod in Italian. I think that cloth is like a baton that keeps connecting with somebody who wants them, no matter how old or be worn out. Stick is simply a stick if you see it simply, but it can turn into everything if you see it from different angle. Baton is also kind of stick. I want to build bridge in order to connect cloth and person, this is why I gave it this name.
Reason for establishing
I am impressed that football items are adopting fashionable recent years. Because when I walked the streets, I saw that young person dressed in 90s football top that my father used as practice uniforms when he was younger. Then I asked my friend who love vintage clothing and researched by myself to confirm the demand and how to match football items. I have a dream to open my own vintage clothing store originally, so I established it due to good opportunity.
In My Mind
Our store is handling large selection of major and minor teams. I know that some people don't like the store that handle popular items. But I think it is also important to deliver items to people who want them, without hating about items that everyone wants. We would rather disappoint you if you end up having to settle for something else because we don't have it.Therefore, we would like to deal in a large selection of items that you have never seen and that everyone wants at a fair price.